Conflict Management Workshop

Monday, March 6th, 6pm
(Brazil time)

How to Deal With Difficult People
Como Lidar com Pessoas Difíceis

It’s a difficult world sometimes. And you’ve probably noticed ... it’s not getting any easier. Can there be any good news in this scenario? Of course. The latest in psycho-social science is showing us that balance, well-being and living well with others is something we already know, but have left behind. Let’s work together to recover our forgotten sanity.

Às vezes o mundo é difícil. E, como você deve ter provavelmente notado... não está ficando nada melhor. Pode haver alguma boa notícia nessa situação? Claro. A última descoberta da ciência psicossocial nos mostra que o equilíbrio, o bem-estar e a boa convivência com os outros é algo que já conhecemos, mas deixamos para trás. Vamos trabalhar juntos para recuperar nossa sanidade esquecida.

Date Monday – March 6th

Time 6pm

Professors Expert in Keppe’s Therapeutic Method

In this dynamic workshop, we’ll help you:

Nesta oficina, vamos ajudar você a:

  • Learn how to manage out of control thoughts, emotions and behaviors

    Aprender como lidar com pensamentos, emoções e comportamentos que estão fora de controle
  • Acquire the know-how to better manage conflicts at home and at work

    Saber como melhor administrar conflitos em casa e no trabalho
  • Understand the root of your difficulties, and how to resolve them

    Entender a raiz das dificuldades e como resolvê-las
  • Resolve nagging fears and insecurities

    Resolver medos e inseguranças que incomodam
  • Reduce stress and enjoy greater well-being

    Reduzir o estresse e desfrutar de maior bem-estar

  • Enjoy deeper, more satisfying relationships with loved ones

    Desfrutar de relacionamentos mais profundos e mais satisfatórios com entes queridos
🇺🇸Norberto Keppe’s Trilogical Therapeutic Method is a new and innovative science developed by psychoanalysts Norberto R. Keppe and Claudia Bernhardt Pacheco. It provides an innovative approach to preventing, diagnosing and treating psychological, physical and spiritual malaise.

🇧🇷O Método Terapêutico Trilógico de Norberto Keppe é uma ciência nova e inovadora desenvolvida pelos psicanalistas Norberto R. Keppe e Cláudia Bernhardt Pacheco. Ele fornece uma abordagem inovadora para prevenir, diagnosticar e tratar dificuldades psicológicas, físicas e espirituais.



Richard Jones 🇨🇦

Richard has more than 40 years experience in professional communications, many of them dedicate to radio and television, and is one of the most well-known voices in Canada. He has certification as a psycho-socio-therapist from the Norberto Keppe School of Psychoanalysis. He is a popular teacher and workshop leader at Millennium, the Language Center of the Keppe & Pacheco Trilogical College. Richard is the creator and producer of the Thinking with Somebody Else's Head Podcast, based on the science of Analytical Trilogy, and is also the creator of the STOP Radio Network.


Sari Koivukangas 🇫🇮

Master’s degree in Science from University of São Paulo (2022). Master’s degree in Science from Turku University, Finland (1999). Post-graduate degree in Conflict Management from Faculdades Trilógicas Keppe & Pacheco (2020). Environmental Management Degree from UNIP (2018). 25 years experience teaching with Keppe’s Trilogical Psycholinguistic Method. Translator of books on the science of Analytical Trilogy and writer of three children’s books based on Analytical Trilogy. Volunteer at the STOP the Destruction of the World Association.


Leo Lima 🇧🇷

Master in Philosophy. Post-graduate in Psycho-socio-pathology. Bachelor, Licensed and Psychologist. Further Studies on Perspectives of Contemporary Philosophical Thought. Further Studies on Introduction to Freud's Thought, Melanie Klein, Analytical Relationship and Form from Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de São Paulo. Further Studies on Current Aspects of Psychoanalysis, Social and Educational Psychology from PUC/Campinas. Specialization in Integral Psychoanalysis, with clinical practice in New York and London. Complementary Studies on Henri Bergson's Thought from USP. Complementary Studies on Future Consciousness, Values and Anticipation from University of Turku, Finland. Complementary Education in English Language from FATRI Faculdade Trilógica Keppe & Pacheco. International Translator and Interpreter. Author of Chapter “Psychodrama” of book Alienating Psychotherapies (Proton Publishing House). Autor of Chapter “Stop a Destruição da Educação” of book Stop a Destruição do Mundo. Author of several scientific articles in Psicanálise Integral Journal, Trilogia and Trilogy Newspapers, as well as other publications. English and Portuguese proofreader for Proton Publishing House.


Fabrizio Biliotti 🇮🇹

Psycho-socio-therapist from the Norberto Keppe School of Psychoanalysis. Postgraduate in Education Applied to Musical Performance. Graduated in Political Science and International Relations from Università degli Studi di Siena (Italy, 1996) and graduated in Music from Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas (2018). He is currently a teacher at the Millennium Language Institute and in the postgraduate courses at Faculdade Trilógica Keppe and Pacheco.

